Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or RSD, is a painful, debilitating condition, usually marked by a burning pain, thin and/or discolored skin, and even nerve and bone damage. Also referred to as complex regional pain syndrome, this condition may be caused by trauma, but not in all cases. Regardless of the cause, there is RSD treatment that offers relief and allows sufferers to regain a more normal life.
The approach and management of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is multifaceted and multi-pronged. The purpose of treatment is to restore function and reduce pain as much as possible. Therefore, both physical and vocational therapy and medication are commonly used to treat RSD.
Some of the RSD treatment options include, but are not limited to:
- Imagery and visual feedback exercises
- Desensitization using contrast baths and other therapies
- Exposure therapy
- Reactivation
As therapy progresses, your doctor may add:
- Isometric strengthening exercises
- Posture correction exercises
- Exercises to control edema and improve flexibility
In addition to physical therapies, your doctor may recommend medications. For mild pain, over the counter or mild prescription analgesics may be sufficient. For more severe pain, options range from opioids to nerve blocking agents. Patients may also require steroid therapy to treat swelling.
Finally, depending upon the patient’s experience, pain levels, and goals, it may be necessary to treat for depression and anxiety related to chronic pain from Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
RSD Treatment Charleston, SC
The Trident Pain Treatment Center team is here to help you manage chronic pain and provide you with top notch patient care. Contact us today to schedule your appointment or to learn more about treatment options for RSD sufferers.